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Read All Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which visa shall I apply and in which country?

    It completely depends upon individual profile and personal circumstances. It requires lots of criteria to be considered like age, financial conditions, marital status, purpose of going abroad etc. To get effective and robust clarification, you may visit out office and get benefit of free counselling.

  • Is UK education expensive?

    Studying in UK either Under Graduation or Graduation is not economic as compare other countries like Australia, New Zealand and USA mainly because UK is the only English Speaking country who offers 3 years of under graduation courses and 1 year of graduation program as compare to 4 years & 2 years respectively in other English speaking countries. 1 years tuition fees for UG ranges between 10 to 13 lacs INR per year and entire graduation cost in the range of 10 to 15 lacs INR. So studying in UK is not expensive at all.

  • What are the opportunities after study?

    UK government has recently announced new GRADUATE ROUTE to all international student which will be opened for applications from 1 July 2021. International students must have completed an eligible course at a UK higher education provider, with a track record of compliance with the government’s immigration requirements to apply to the Graduate route. Students on the Graduate route will be able to work or look for work after their studies for a maximum period of 2 years, or 3 years for Doctoral students.

  • What will happen once I land in abroad country?

    One you land in abroad country airport, you will have to clear immigration and custom. Immigration officer may ask few questions related to your purpose of visiting that country. On satisfaction, Office endorses your passport and you may proceed further according to further planning.

  • How much money shall I carry with me and in what format?

    You should carry only that much money with you in cash format that you will require for initial week only. All remaining money you should carry in travelling cheque format which you can in cash from any bank.

  • What happen regarding my accommodation arrangement?

    If you are travelling on student visa, we may help booking your accommodation at universities or college hostel. We maintain our network of student who has gone to different countries on student visa and we also can give their contact details that can also help to find right accommodation. If you are travelling on any other visa, you will either have to book hotel or arrange through any relative you may have.

  • Can I go on work permit rather than student visa?

    yes, you may provide you are eligible for work permit scheme of relevant country. Different countries have different policies, so kindly visit our office and get a benefit of free counselling.

  • Can my spouse join me abroad?

    Yes, Most visa policies allow you to invite your spouse to live with you. You may apply for their visa at the same time as your application or at later stage as well.

  • What financial documents are acceptable for student visa?

    You may represent all documents related to liquid assets. However, you must need to show certain liquid money in your or your parents or sponsor bank account and for that you will have to represent bank statement. You may also apply for student loan and represent loan sanction letter to visa office.

  • Which Institution and course I should apply for?

    The course for which you wish to pursue higher education is completely depends upon your choice; however we may guide you according to study profile. Each country has many Institutions at different location, with different resources and fee structure. Also education institutes are of different category so you will have to choose one right for you as per your personal criteria; although we can definitely guide you on this. Most effective way for this is to visit individual institution website.

  • Can I stay in abroad country forever?

    Yes, Provided you become eligible for permanent resident visa as per relevant country visa policy.

  • I have completed my HSC with second class, Can I go abroad for further study?

    Yes, You are eligible for most of the universities and college in most country.

  • I am 24 years old and l left my graduation in T.Y. Can I go abroad for study now?

    Yes, You can, provided you will have to justify the study gaps explaining what you have been doing during that period.